Thursday 12 November 2009

The Shooting Schedule

Now we have done our storyboard we can make up the shooting schedule, so we can be organised about filming and get all the shots we need. Here it is:

1st shot: Interview of nerd (Alfie), displaying his character traits. (mid shot)
2nd shot: Interview of Megan not doing the work and you can hear Alfie getting annoyed (mid shot)
3rd shot: Interview with Leela bullying Alfie (Mid shot/zoomed in and out)
4th shot: Leela and Megan running away through tree's (long shot)
5th shot: Leela and Megan's feet running through leaves and grass (close up)
6th shot: Close up of Leela looking scared
7th shot: Close up of Megan dead
8th shot: Mid shot then zoomed in of Leela dead on the floor
9th shot: Long shot of the killer walking towards megan against a wall
10th shot: Long shot of the killer walking away from Megan dead on the floor
11th shot: Shot of Leela running around a corner then falling over
12th shot: Alfie the killer walks towards Leela very slowly wielding a weapon (Mid shot/Long shot)
13th shot: Close up of killer with weapon looking crazed
14th shot: Leela and Megan running through the woods (long shot)
15th shot: Killer walking through the woods after the two girls (long shot)

Just got to shoot it now!